Klotho is a protein that is involved in a variety of biological processes, including aging, metabolism, and inflammation. Smoking is a major risk factor for premature aging and a number of other diseases. Studies have shown that smoking can decrease serum levels of klotho. This suggests that smoking may accelerate aging and increase the risk of disease by reducing klotho levels.
Here are some of the studies that have shown a link between smoking and decreased klotho levels:
A 2014 study published in the journal “Nature Medicine” found that smokers had significantly lower levels of klotho in their blood than non-smokers.

A 2015 study published in the journal “Aging Cell” found that smoking could damage klotho protein, leading to decreased levels of the protein.

A 2016 study published in the journal “Circulation” found that smokers had a higher risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and death from cardiovascular disease, even after adjusting for other risk factors such as age, sex, and cholesterol levels. The researchers found that this increased risk was associated with lower levels of klotho.

These studies suggest that smoking can decrease klotho levels, which may lead to premature aging and an increased risk of disease. If you smoke, quitting is the best way to protect your health and improve your klotho levels.

Here are some tips for quitting smoking:
Talk to your doctor about quitting. They can help you develop a plan and provide support.
There are many resources available to help you quit smoking, including online resources, quit-smoking hotlines, and support groups.
Don’t give up if you slip up. Just keep trying and eventually you will be successful.